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The Dog, Dog & Dog Blog

How to Recognize and Address Ear Infections in Dogs

How to Recognize and Address Ear Infections in Dogs
Detecting ear infections early in dogs is crucial for their comfort and health. Look out for signs like excessive head shaking, persistent ear scratching, swelling, unusual discharge, and foul smells. These symptoms indicate it might be time to consult your vet. Dog Dog & Dog offers a natural, gentle solution with its SOOTHE and PREVENT formulas, ensuring your dog's ears are protected against future infections. Remember, keeping your dog's ears clean and monitoring for signs of discomfort can prevent serious issues and keep your furry friend ready for any adventure.

Bianca Valenti: Riding the Waves of Change

Bianca Valenti: Riding the Waves of Change
From the vast, unpredictable embrace of the ocean to the forefront of gender equality in sports and holistic pet wellness, Bianca Valenti's story is a remarkable journey of passion, advocacy, and natural healing. Surfing not only shaped her life but also led her to create Dog, Dog & Dog, a brand that extends the healing powers of turmeric from humans to dogs. This excerpt delves into Bianca's inspiring journey, highlighting her battles for equality in surfing, her personal triumphs over health challenges with natural remedies, and how these experiences birthed a pioneering pet wellness brand. Join us as we ride the waves of Bianca's story, a tale of empowerment, wellness, and unconditional love for our four-legged friends.

The Power of Turmeric: Revolutionizing Your Dog's Ear Care

The Power of Turmeric: Revolutionizing Your Dog's Ear Care

Turmeric, a vibrant and ancient spice, is not just a culinary delight but a cornerstone in natural pet wellness.

At Dog, Dog & Dog, we harness the remarkable anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities of turmeric in our SOOTHE and PREVENT ear care formulas.

These products are a testament to our belief in gentle, natural remedies over harsh chemicals. By choosing turmeric, we’re not just treating symptoms; we’re embracing a holistic approach to your dog’s health, ensuring their comfort and happiness with every drop.

Experience the natural wonders of turmeric and join us on a journey towards a happier, healthier life for your furry friend.